Chinese Christian Family Church Fontana Welcome You


In Jesus's name we sincerely welcome you to Chinese Christian Church Fontana. We wish you will experience God's grace and love with us, and grow deeper in Bible knowledge and in spiritual formation. We wish we can do Jesus' great commandment and great commission together. See you soon, and God bless you!

已經開始實體主日聚會,歡迎您一起參加崇拜,共沐主恩。如果您是住在外地或外州之信徒或福音朋友,也歡迎成為我們網路的特別會員 。請以右列的電郵與我們聯繫 ( ,我們將贈送您本會出版的聖經註釋書 (僅限美加地區),並定期以電郵將主日信息的影音檔寄給您 (不限地區)。期望在末世大災難快來之前,一起為廣傳普世的福音及萬人的得救齊心協力,叫得救的人數滿足,並迎接主耶穌從空中榮耀的再來!

主日聚會與時間   Sunday Worship Service

心靈與誠實 (真理) 的敬拜,聖經與生活結合的講道,如家庭溫馨甜蜜的聚餐與交誼。竭誠歡迎您!

Worship in Spirit and Truth;  Biblical and Practical Preaching; Fellowship and Feast in Family Setting.  Sincerely Welcome You!

* 主日崇拜:週日下午 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm.                    * 查經禱告會:週四晚上 (網路) 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm.    * Worship: Sunday 3:30 pm-5:00 pm.                            * Bible Fellowship & Prayer meeting: Thursday 7:00       pm - 9:00 pm through Zoom meeting

* 週三團契聚會 10:00 am- 12:00 noon. 詩歌、聖經、見證、交誼、聚餐。歡迎參加。

Wednesday morning Fellowship (from 9 am to noon). Songs, Bible sharing, testimony, fellowship and lunch. Welcome you to attend the meeting.

10/13/2024 主日證道:充滿恩典與真理的生命知道?約翰 1:1-14; Sermon Title: The Word of Life filled of God's Grace & Truth. Scriptures: John 1:1-14. 請查看下邊的講章綱要或投影片了解主要內容。Please check the below PowerPoint files of sermon for detail.

Christ's resurrection is changing the world (Power Point with E/M description)
Exposition of Matthew 28:1-8, 16-18. 耶穌的復活在改變世界
2024 Fontana Sermon Apr 7.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 3.6 MB

The traps ahead of Christian's heavenly Journey (Chinese ME PPT)
Exposition of Hebrews 1:1-3; 2:1-7, 基督徒的天路陷阱
2023c Theme of Hebrews Part 01.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 2.0 MB
Jesus Christ and Him Crucified (Chinese Sermon with M/E PPT)
Exposition of 1 Corinthians 2:1-5, 基督並祂釘十字架
2023 Fontana Sermon May 21.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 938.5 KB
Jesus Christ has Risen (Chinese Sermon with M/E PPT)
Exposition of Luke 24:1-12, 44-53 主耶穌已經復活了
2023 Fontana Sermon 主耶穌 復活節主日 Apr 9.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 2.9 MB
The LORD with us & suffering for us (Chinese Sermon with M/E PPT)
Exposition of Luke 23:32-43, 與人同在及受苦的主
2023 Fontana Sermon 耶穌十字架受苦的意義.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 1.4 MB

Save Your Household from this Crooked Generation (Chinese Sermon with M/E PPT)
Exposition of Acts 2:32-42 當救你全家脫離彎曲的世代
2023 Baptism Sunday Mar 5.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 2.0 MB

天橋 The Bridge to Heaven

進入神國的六個步驟:Six Steps  to God's Kingdom









1. 知道你我不完全,內心有許多黑暗面(就是聖經所說的罪),罪使人難逃將
2. 期望罪能得到解決,因此神在末日審判時,能免除你我在地獄中永遠的痛
3. 相信公義的神,祂叫耶穌在十字架上,背負你我的罪、代替你我受審判而
4. 相信全能的神,祂叫耶穌死後第三天復活,證明耶穌的十字架,是通往神


5. 走上天橋,就是向神承認自己是罪人及個人所犯的一切罪,求主耶穌赦免你,用祂的寶血洗淨你。
6. 打開你的心門,誠心禱告並祈求耶穌進入你心,作你個人的救主及生命的

特別介紹「為耶穌而畫」的比撒列畫坊 Introduce our special Bazalel Art Studio--Painting 4 Jesus.


The following Bazalel Studio will introduce you many beautiful Chinese Sumi paintings which were created by Mrs. Liu through her God given talent and inspired by the Holy Spirit.   Each painting is corresponded with a Bible verse to reflect the insight of this painting. We hope you will enjoy her works and also to gain a deeper understanding of God's grace and love.